Just sold a mattress to someone but now they want a refund, saying there’s mold. I don’t feel like it’s mold. What should I do?

How to Handle a Customer Claim About Mold on a Mattress

1. Verify the Claim

First, you need to verify the claim of mold. Politely ask the customer to provide photographs or allow you to inspect the mattress. Mold is typically identifiable through visual inspection and a musty odor. It’s important to ascertain whether the mold was present at the time of purchase or developed later due to environmental factors such as humidity.

2. Review Your Return and Refund Policy

Next, review your store’s return and refund policy. What does your policy state about returns due to defects like mold? Understanding your own policies will guide you in handling this situation legally and efficiently.

3. Consider the Possibility of a Manufacturer Defect


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