Just sold a mattress to someone but now they want a refund, saying there’s mold. I don’t feel like it’s mold. What should I do?

3. Consider the Possibility of a Manufacturer Defect

If your investigation suggests that the mattress had mold at the time of purchase, consider the possibility of a manufacturing defect. In this case, contact your supplier or manufacturer to report the issue and possibly claim compensation or a replacement, which you can then pass on to your customer.

4. Communicate Openly with Your Customer

Communicate openly and honestly with your customer. Explain the steps you are taking to investigate the issue and keep them updated on the progress. Effective communication can prevent misunderstandings and alleviate customer concerns.

5. Resolve the Situation

Based on your findings, resolve the situation. If the mold was present at the time of purchase and your policy covers such defects, you should offer a refund or replacement. If the mold developed due to customer misuse or environmental conditions, explain this gently and suggest ways to avoid similar issues in the future.

6. Implement Preventive Measures

Finally, implement preventive measures to avoid future complaints. Ensure that your storage areas are dry and well-ventilated to prevent mold growth. Regularly check the condition of the products in your store and maintain clear communication with your suppliers about product quality standards.



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