If You’re Going To Eat At A Restaurant This Weekend, Beware Of “Fried Rice Syndrome”

Beware of “Fried Rice Syndrome” When Dining Out

Germaine Mobley, a 62-year-old from Texas, recently experienced a distressing case of food poisoning after dining at Asia King Buffet, a restaurant she frequented. She enjoyed her favorite dish, fried rice, but began feeling ill on her way home. The following day, she ended up in the hospital with severe symptoms. The diagnosis? Fried Rice Syndrome.

What is Fried Rice Syndrome?

Fried Rice Syndrome is a type of food poisoning caused by consuming rice that has been cooked and then left at room temperature for too long. The primary culprit is the bacterium Bacillus cereus. When rice is not promptly refrigerated, these bacteria can grow and produce toxins. Reheating the rice does not destroy these toxins, leading to foodborne illness.

Mobley’s Experience

Mobley reported that her food tasted fine when she ate it, but she started feeling sick on her drive home. By the time she reached home, she was vomiting profusely. The next morning, her condition worsened, and her husband had to call an ambulance. At the hospital, doctors confirmed that she had been affected by Bacillus cereus, the bacteria responsible for her illness.

Mobley, deeply shaken by the experience, decided to share her story to prevent others from facing similar issues. She even attempted to sue Asia King Buffet for poor food safety practices in 2018, emphasizing the risks of eating rice at buffets. She cautioned, “You’re taking a chance at getting very ill when eating at a rice buffet. You could be the next person.”


The symptoms of Fried Rice Syndrome can be severe and include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach cramps

In rare cases, it can even lead to death. Symptoms typically appear within an hour of consuming the contaminated rice.



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