I had no clue about this! Interesting!

Simple Trick to Repel Moles from Your Garden

Living in a house with a lush garden is a delight, but moles can quickly turn it into a nightmare. These small creatures dig tunnels that disrupt the roots of your plants and flowers. While there are commercial products available, they can be expensive and not always effective. Fortunately, there’s a simple, time-tested trick that my nana used to repel moles, requiring just 4 minutes and zero effort.

You might be skeptical about the simplicity of this method, but it’s worth a try. This technique is quick, easy, and safe for your plants, pets, and the environment.

Materials Needed:

  • 1 bar of deodorant soap
  • Cheese grater or kitchen knife
  • Garden gloves (optional)
  • Watering can or hose

Steps to Repel Moles:


see continuation on next page



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