I had no clue about this! Interesting!

Steps to Repel Moles:

  1. Grate the Soap: Take a bar of deodorant soap and grate it using a cheese grater. If you don’t have a grater, you can use a knife to shave off thin slices.
  2. Apply Soap Shavings: Sprinkle the soap shavings generously around the affected areas where you have noticed mole activity or where you want to prevent them from entering.
  3. Add Moisture: Lightly water the treated areas. The moisture will help disperse the soap scent into the soil.
  4. Repeat as Needed: Reapply the soap once a week or after heavy rainfall to maintain effectiveness.

Why This Works:

The strong scent of the deodorant soap is unpleasant to moles, encouraging them to leave your garden. This method is humane, cost-effective, and free from harmful chemicals, making it safe for your plants and garden visitors.

Give this trick a try, and you might find that, just like my nana, you can enjoy a mole-free garden with minimal effort. Happy gardening!



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