Putting peanuts in Coke is the new trend that’s going viral in the South. Here’s why


Ever tried putting peanuts in Coke? It might sound unusual, but this quirky combination is making waves, especially in the South. While the South is renowned for its fried green tomatoes and biscuits and gravy, Coke and peanuts might just be the most surprising addition to the list of Southern specialties.

Albert Einstein once said, “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” Could this mean that peanuts and Coke are a match made in genius? Let’s dive into the origins of this unique trend and why it’s capturing attention.

How It Began

There’s quite a bit of debate online about the origins of the Coke-and-peanuts trend. Food historian Rick McDaniel suggests that the pairing dates back to the early 1900s, around the time when Coke was becoming widely popular. Back then, general stores often sold Coke alongside shelled peanuts.

At that time, farming was a significant part of the Southern economy. Workers, who were frequently dirty from a hard day’s work, didn’t want to touch peanuts with their hands. As a result, they started dumping peanuts directly into their Coke bottles, creating a novel, convenient snack.

How to Try This Southern Tradition

Ready to give this Southern tradition a go? Here’s how to try it:



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