Putting peanuts in Coke is the new trend that’s going viral in the South. Here’s why

Ready to give this Southern tradition a go? Here’s how to try it:

  1. Eat Some Peanuts: Start by eating a handful of peanuts.
  2. Sip Some Coke: After swallowing the peanuts, take a sip of ice-cold Coke from a glass bottle.
  3. Add Peanuts to Coke: Pour some peanuts into the Coke bottle.
  4. Finish Up: Enjoy the rest of the Coke with the peanuts floating in it.

Social Media Craze

This unusual combination has gained traction on social media, with people sharing their experiences and reactions. Whether you’re bored or just looking to try something new, this trend has intrigued many who are curious about its unique flavor and texture.

Next time you’re in the mood for something different, consider trying this Southern tradition. You might find that peanuts and Coke make an unexpectedly delightful pair!



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