Now I have to check to see if this is in my garden

4. Monitor for Symptoms

Watch the bite area for signs of a rash or other symptoms. Symptoms to be aware of include fever, fatigue, joint pain, and a distinctive bull’s-eye rash that can indicate Lyme disease. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical attention promptly.

5. Dispose of the Tick Properly

Avoid crushing the tick with your fingers. Instead, place it in a sealed container with alcohol or flush it down the toilet. Some health departments may ask you to save the tick for testing, so check local guidelines.

6. Protect Yourself and Your Pets

To prevent future tick bites, use tick repellents on exposed skin and clothing. Regularly check yourself, your children, and pets for ticks, especially after spending time outdoors. Keep your yard clean and free of debris where ticks could hide.



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