My MIL and Her Friends Ate Our $1000 Wedding Cake the Night before Our Wedding, So I Taught Her a Lesson

My MIL and Her Friends Ate Our $1000 Wedding Cake the Night before Our Wedding, So I Taught Her a Lesson

I was devastated and furious when I found out my mother-in-law, Linda, and her friends had devoured my $1000 wedding cake. It was hard to believe they would intentionally ruin my special day, leaving only crumbs behind. Determined to teach them a lesson, I began to devise a plan for revenge.

“No way I’m paying. It’s too expensive for something that tasted disgusting, JUST LIKE YOUR TASTE IN EVERYTHING,” Linda sneered, barely glancing at me.

Standing frozen in my living room doorway, grocery bags slipping from my hands, I felt tears welling up as I took in the scene.

My beautiful wedding cake, which I had saved for months to afford, was gone. Only crumbs and a half-eaten slice remained on the table while Linda and her friends lounged on the couch, looking pleased with themselves.

“Linda, how could you?” I choked out as I approached the empty box. “That cake was for my wedding! It cost a thousand dollars! How will I replace it so soon?”

“Oh, please, Emily,” Linda rolled her eyes. “It was just a cake. And honestly, it wasn’t even that good!”

“But it was important to me!” I snapped, tears streaming down my face. “You had no right to touch it!”

“Get over it, Emily,” she said, waving her hand dismissively. “You’re always so dramatic. It’s just a cake, and it’s not like you have good taste in anything anyway.”

Linda and her friends exchanged amused glances before slowly getting up. “We’re leaving. But don’t expect any money from me,” she said smugly.

As they sauntered out, leaving a trail of crumbs and laughter behind them, I sank to the floor, my shoulders shaking with silent sobs. The wedding was less than a day away, and now my beautiful cake was ruined.

Linda had never liked me because she wanted Alex to marry someone rich. From the moment we met, her disdain was evident. She constantly found reasons to belittle and undermine me, criticizing my choices, style, and personality at every opportunity.

But this… this was too much!



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