Is the 5-Second Rule Just a Myth? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

A study conducted by Rutgers researchers put the 5-second rule to the test, revealing that factors such as moisture, surface type, and contact time all influence the degree of cross-contamination. Here are some key findings:

  • Moisture Content: Foods with higher moisture content are more prone to contamination when they touch a surface.
  • Surface Type: The type of surface matters significantly. Carpet has a very low transfer rate for bacteria, while tile, stainless steel, and wood have much higher rates.
  • Contact Time: In some cases, bacteria can begin transferring to food in under 1 second!

In conclusion, while the 5-second rule is a popular notion, scientific evidence shows it’s a myth. The transfer of microbes from a contaminated surface to food is influenced by various factors, including moisture and surface type. Your best bet for avoiding foodborne illness is to throw out food that’s fallen on the floor.



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