Here’s what you need to know if you want to grow juicy and crunchy bell peppers

Bell peppers are a popular choice for home gardeners due to their vibrant colors, mild sweetness, and versatility in the kitchen. They come in a range of hues, including green, yellow, red, purple, orange, and brown. These peppers can be grown relatively easily and even in limited space, such as containers on a patio or deck. Here’s what you need to know to grow juicy and crunchy bell peppers:

1. Start Seeds Indoors

Bell peppers can be grown from seeds, which can be started indoors if you live in an area with cold winters. Begin sowing seeds six to eight weeks before the last predicted frost. Plant two to three seeds per container and thin out the weaker seedlings after a couple of weeks.

2. Transplant Seedlings Outside

Pepper plants thrive in temperatures of 70 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer. Once the ambient temperature reaches this level, transplant the seedlings outside. Space them about 24 inches apart in a sunny location with nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. Proper spacing allows for growth and provides some shade from intense sunlight.

3. Mulch Around Plants

Applying mulch around bell pepper plants helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and keep the soil cooler for the roots. Suitable mulching materials include commercial bark chips, pine needles, grass clippings, or straw.

4. Provide Adequate Water

Bell peppers require one to two inches of water per week for optimal growth. Increase this amount during extremely hot and dry conditions. Water at the base of the plant to prevent saturating the foliage.

5. Apply Fertilizer to Promote Growth



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