Soupe aux Boulettes de Légumes

Soupe aux Boulettes de Légumes Ingrédients : Pour les boulettes : 1 tasse de chou râpé 1 carotte râpée 1/2 tasse de champignons hachés 1/2 tasse de maïs en grains 2 oignons verts, hachés 1 gousse d’ail, émincée 1 cuillère à soupe de sauce soja 1/2 tasse de farine Sel et poivre au goût 1 … Read more

Fast and Easy Oven Cleaning Hack with Lemon

Cleaning the oven is often one of the least favorite household chores. However, with this simple lemon hack, you can clean your oven quickly and easily without the need for harsh chemicals. This method not only leaves your oven sparkling but also fills your kitchen with a pleasant, fresh scent. Here’s how to do it: … Read more

Get the Best Bang for Your Buck at Aldi

If you’re a European or someone who has traveled in Europe, chances are you’re familiar with Aldi. This budget-friendly German grocery store has gained immense popularity recently, thanks to its affordable prices and high-quality products. But like any grocery store, some items at Aldi are a steal-of-a-deal, while others may not be worth the price. … Read more

Dita di strega (biscotti Halloween)

Ingredienti Gli ingredienti per realizzare a casa le dita di strega sono pochissimi e molto semplici da reperire. Eccovi la lista della spesa: Farina 00 o farina per dolci Zucchero a velo vanigliato Uova Estratto di vaniglia Scorza di limone grattugiata Marmellata di lamponi Mandorle intere Consigli sugli ingredienti Burro: utilizzate un burro di buona … Read more