A travel expert explains why it’s a bad idea to tie a ribbon to your bags.

Why Tying a Ribbon to Your Bag Could Be a Bad Idea

If you’ve ever found yourself anxiously waiting by the luggage carousel at a crowded airport, desperately trying to spot your bag among a sea of similar-looking suitcases, you might have considered tying a ribbon to make it stand out. While this tactic seems like a smart way to avoid confusion, airport experts warn that it could actually create more problems than it solves.

The Risks of Using Ribbons

John, a seasoned luggage handler at Dublin Airport, explains that attaching colorful ribbons to your bag might seem helpful, but it can lead to significant delays and complications. According to John, these ribbons can obstruct the scanning process:

“Ribbons and other decorations can interfere with automated bag scanning. If a bag cannot be scanned automatically due to these additions, it will be processed manually, which increases the risk that it may miss its flight,” John shared with RSVP Live.

For a smoother travel experience, it’s better to avoid adding ribbons or old travel stickers to your luggage. “Old stickers can also disrupt the scanning process,” John advises.

The Marzipan Misconception

Interestingly, marzipan is another item that can cause unexpected issues at the airport. Due to its density, which is similar to certain explosives, marzipan can trigger additional security checks. “Marzipan should not be carried in your suitcase,” warns John. “It may lead to a thorough search of your bag and potentially delay your departure.”

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