Why Your Hard-Boiled Eggs Have Green Yolks and What to Do About It


Have you ever noticed that the yolk of a hard-boiled egg sometimes turns an unusual shade of green? Don’t worry—this is a common phenomenon. Let’s explore why this happens, how it affects flavor and safety, and what you can do to avoid it.

Understanding the Green Yolk Mystery

The greenish hue in egg yolks is linked to how you cook the eggs. When eggs are cooked for too long or at very high temperatures, the yolks can turn green. This color change is related to the chemical reactions that occur during cooking.

The Science Behind the Color

The green color is caused by a reaction between sulfur compounds in the egg white and iron in the yolk. When eggs are cooked excessively or at high temperatures, they form a compound called ferrous sulfide, which gives the yolk its greenish tint. Interestingly, this can also happen with scrambled eggs or omelets that are overcooked.

Is It Safe to Eat Green Yolks?

Yes, green yolks are completely safe to eat! Despite their unappealing color, they do not indicate that the eggs are bad or poisonous.

How to Prevent Green Yolks


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